Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Starbucks in Bombay

In '96, I journeyed across Bombay to go to McDonald's.  It was no ordinary McDonald's....  It was the second to ever open in the country, only months old.  It was truly special, the food was delicious, the employees stood proud, it almost brought a tear to my eyes.

Back here in 2012, McDonald's in India serves low brow, tasteless, mushy slop from every corner.  What is the lesson of this pointless story?  You should visit a fast food joint right after introduction in a country, when they are still trying to make a good impression.

The first Starbucks just arrived in India! (It is strange how late they came....  There's already a lot of preexisting competition).  Like in '96, we made the trip across Bombay to visit one....  And oh what a Starbucks it was!

Have you ever been to a Starbucks made of stone?

The inside was beautiful, and the top notch staff was extremely friendly.

The food was way better than your average Starbucks.

I'm certain it will remain this way forever!  Can't wait to try it in 2028!

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